6 Best Courses For Coding Interviews (2023)

Courses for coding interviews are a great way to learn about what you need to do to pass coding interviews in a structured way. The courses cover content such as the fundamentals of data structures, algorithms, and solving coding interview problems.

best coding interview courses for technical interviews

The current 6 best online courses (also known as coding interview bootcamps) for coding interviews are Interview Cake, AlgoExpert, Skilled.dev, Interview Camp, Algo Monster, and Grokking The Coding Interview. 

In this article, we will explain what each of these 6 best courses are in detail in addition to their costs to help better inform you of whether they’re worth taking or not. At the end of the article, we will discuss additional resources you can use to increase your chances of passing coding interviews in addition to taking coding interview courses.

1. Interview Cake

Interview Cake is a coding interview course that was designed to prepare software engineering candidates for programming interviews by focusing their course’s contents on algorithms thinking, problem-solving strategies, and foundational knowledge in algorithms, data structures, and big O notation (time and space complexity). The creator of this course, Parker Phinney, created this course with the intention of it being the most efficient and effective tool for interview preparation.

interview cake coding interview course

How Much Does Interview Cake Cost?

Interview Cake costs $149 for 3 weeks of access or $249 for yearly access. Interview Cake has a full money-back guarantee if you’re unsatisfied with the course.

2. AlgoExpert

AlgoExpert is a software engineer course platform that offers courses in areas such as coding interviews, system design interviews, and frontend developer interviews. AlgoExpert’s coding interview course is also called AlgoExpert, the name of its company, and it contains 195 coding questions with over 100 hours of video explanations. 

There are solutions for these problems in 9 programming languages and explanations of time and space complexity, one of the most important aspects of the coding interview.

algoexpert coding interview course

How Much Does AlgoExpert Cost?

AlgoExpert currently costs $99 for a year’s access to AlgoExpert’s core offerings of AlgoExpert, SystemsExpert, FrontendExpert, and more (known as the Tech Interview Prep Bundle).

3. Skilled.dev

Skilled.dev is a course that was made to help aspiring software engineers master coding interviews for companies in the tech industry. The creator of the course, Trey Huffine, teaches techniques and offers insights to help the course participants stand out within the interview process.

skilled.dev coding interview course

How Much Does Skilled.dev Cost?

Skilled.dev costs $0 for 2023, when it usually it costs $99.

4. Interview Camp

Interview Camp is an online bootcamp (also a course) designed to prepare aspiring software engineers for coding interviews, emphasizing techniques and thinking strategies over going over problems. The program offers mentor-led, self-paced material covering major topics in algorithms and system design, with over 60 hours of video content, weekly live sessions, and a private student-only Slack community. 

interview camp coding interview course

How Much Does Interview Camp Cost?

Interview Camp costs $250 per year, and you can request a full refund within 7 days of purchasing if you’re not satisfied with the program.

5. AlgoMonster

AlgoMonster is a coding interview preparation course that was created by Google software engineers. It offers a structured approach to technical interview preparation by teaching the essential patterns that are necessary to be able to solve the vast majority of coding interview problems. The AlgoMonster course teaches you how to solve a smaller specific set of problems compared to other interview preparation courses that focus on teaching you many problems.

algomonster coding interview course

How Much Does AlgoMonster Cost?

AlgoMonster costs $99 for lifetime access to AlgoMonster’s course and its contents.

6. Grokking The Coding Interview

“Grokking the Coding Interview: Patterns for Coding Questions” is a course that was designed to teach aspiring software engineers how to solve coding problems through 20 essential patterns. The course creators understand that coding interviews have become more challenging over time so the course emphasizes the importance of mapping new problems to known patterns, allowing interview candidates to solve a variety of questions with a single pattern.

grokking the coding interview course

How Much Does Grokking The Coding Interview Cost?

Grokking The Coding Interview costs $19.99 per month or $79 for lifetime access.

Will A Coding Interview Course Help You Pass A Coding Interview?

Yes. A coding interview course will help you pass a coding interview. However, it may not be enough to fully help you pass a coding interview if a course has gaps in information that are essential to programming, data structures, and algorithms.

To ensure that you pass a coding interview, you’ll want to make sure that you make use of all the strategies and resources that you have available like taking mock coding interviews and reading through coding interview books in addition to taking coding interview courses.

What Additional Resources Can Help You Pass Technical Coding Interview?

Additional resources that you can use to pass a coding interview are listed below.

  • Coding Interview Books: Cracking the Coding Interview is an example of a book that explains all of the components of a coding interview that you should know about in order to solve interview problems and pass interviews. 
  • Coding Interview Mock Interview Platforms: Pramp is an example of a free mock coding interview platform that you can use to practice solving coding interview problems.

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